2nd National Sustainable Healthy Aging Symposium: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Elderly Health
Date Added: 21 March 2024, 06:51
Last Updated Date:22 March 2024, 06:58

The “2nd National Sustainable Healthy Aging Symposium,” organized by the Near East University Faculty of Nursing, took place at the Near East University İrfan Günsel Congress Center. In its second year, the symposium focused on elderly health through a multidisciplinary approach. Open to the public and free of charge, the symposium covered topics such as cellular aging, chronic diseases in the elderly, healthcare services in the country, and mental health in the elderly.

With a strong turnout, the symposium featured six presentations across four sessions. The opening remarks were delivered by Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu and Dean of the Faculty of Nursing Prof. Dr. Ümran Dal Yılmaz.

The first session of the “2nd National Sustainable Healthy Aging Symposium” saw Prof. Dr. Tamer Yılmaz discussing the reasons for aging with his presentation titled “Why Are We Aging? Cellular Aging.” In the second session, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilay Necipoğlu addressed “Common Chronic Diseases and Management in Elderly Individuals” while Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezgi Bağrıaçık talked about “Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases in Old Age,” and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nida Aydın covered “Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Chronic Diseases.”

In the third session of the symposium, Dr. Gülcem Sala Razı presented on “Mental Health in the Elderly,” while in the final session, Dr. Ayşe Aydındoğmuş discussed “Health Services for the Elderly in Northern Cyprus.”

Overall, the symposium provided valuable insights into various aspects of aging, emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in addressing elderly health concerns.