Atatürk Faculty of Education Students Empowers Mathematics Education at Dikmen Primary School with Innovative Teaching Materials
Date Added: 18 January 2024, 10:24
Last Updated Date:19 January 2024, 10:27

Students from the Department of Classroom Teaching at Near East University’s Ataturk Faculty of Education have donated materials they prepared for the “Mathematics Teaching” course to Dikmen Primary School, intending them to be used as educational resources.

The materials, crafted by students of Near East University’s Department of Classroom Teaching, aim to contribute to more effective learning for students facing challenges in mathematics and help them establish a connection between mathematics and everyday life problems. All the materials created involve mathematical models adapted from real-life situations, emphasizing the modeling process.


Prof. Dr. Murat Tezer, a Faculty Member of the Department of Primary School Mathematics Teaching at Near East University and involved in the project’s implementation, underscored the project’s goal of enhancing the mathematical achievements of primary school students. Dr. Tezer noted that new educational and teaching theories were employed in the preparation of the materials, stating, “The prepared materials will equip students with the ability to solve real-life problems using mathematics, thereby strengthening their connection with mathematics.


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