A review of energy saving routing schemes for WSN assisted IoT network
Date Added: 24 January 2024, 07:47
Last Updated Date:25 January 2024, 07:36

Lenka, R. K., Mohapatra, H., Al-Turjman, F., & Altrjman, C. (2022). A review of energy saving routing schemes for WSN assisted IoT network. International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 24(1), 1-11.
Near East University’s esteemed researcher, Al-Turjman, has made significant strides in advancing the sustainability of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)-assisted Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Collaborating as a co-author, Al-Turjman’s latest research investigates the challenges posed by the surge in hardware capabilities versus the limited battery capacity of IoT devices.

As technology evolves, the study underscores the critical issue of non-rechargeable batteries in IoT devices, which, despite hardware advancements, face constraints in battery capacity growth. The paper emphasizes the difficulty of replacing these batteries during device operation and highlights the pressing need for sophisticated power-saving schemes to enhance the adaptability of IoT technologies.

Given the energy constraints and limited memory capacity of IoT devices, Al-Turjman’s research focuses on developing energy-efficient routing protocols. These protocols are pivotal in establishing optimized paths for data transmission to the IoT hub, addressing the overarching goal of sustainability and efficiency in IoT networks.

The paper reviews the latest state-of-the-art routing protocols, shedding light on their capabilities and limitations. By surveying the current landscape, the research not only provides insights into the present challenges faced by IoT networks but also lays the groundwork for future research directions in this dynamic field.

Al-Turjman’s contribution to this study reflects Near East University’s commitment to cutting-edge research and technological innovation. The findings of this research hold promise for the development of sustainable solutions that align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), which focuses on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.

This collaborative effort not only advances the scientific understanding of IoT networks but also contributes to the global pursuit of sustainable technologies, aligning with Near East University’s dedication to fostering impactful research initiatives.

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