Moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilan Kırmızı from the Faculty of Dentistry at Near East University, the panel saw the participation of Dikmen Mayor Yüksel Çelebi and female council members from Dikmen Municipality. Mayor Çelebi emphasized the significance of the event for the Dikmen community, thanking Near East University for its contribution, stating that their collaboration significantly benefits public health.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilan Kırmızı, the Event Coordinator from the Faculty of Dentistry, highlighted the importance of direct interaction with the community through collaborations with municipalities in disseminating valuable health-related information.
Various topics ranging from oral health to nutrition were covered during the panel. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özay Önöral from the Faculty of Dentistry discussed ways to maintain oral health with age, stressing the necessity of prosthetic restorations for lost teeth.
Meanwhile, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Hoca from the Faculty of Health Sciences addressed the importance of fluid intake and nutrition in aging, advocating for personalized nutrition plans under the supervision of dieticians.
Furthermore, emphasis was placed on physical activity and sleep quality. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department faculty member, Uzm. Fzt. Hüseyin Özkader, advised incorporating daily physical activities involving various muscle groups, while Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gonca İnanç highlighted factors affecting sleep quality, especially in older adults.
Lastly, Prof. Dr. Murat Özgören from the Faculty of Medicine discussed cognitive changes in aging, stressing the significance of mental stimulation and healthy habits in preventing cognitive decline.
The “Healthy Aging” panel offered valuable insights into promoting well-being among elderly populations and improving their quality of life, highlighting the importance of community collaboration and educational efforts. This event is particularly significant as it addresses the proactive measures necessary for healthy aging within communities. With aging demographics on the rise globally, such gatherings serve as crucial platforms for raising awareness and providing practical guidance on maintaining health in later years. By uniting academic expertise, local governance, and community engagement, the panel not only shares valuable health information but also instills a sense of empowerment and responsibility among individuals to prioritize their health as they age. In essence, it contributes to the development of resilient and sustainable communities where individuals can flourish throughout their lives.