A novel MIMO SMC for comprehensive unified control of the cascaded DC-DC and DC-AC converters in grid connected photovoltaic systems
Date Added: 26 February 2024, 09:13

Radmand, F., Hosseini Firouz, M., Salimi, M., & Babaei, E. (2023). A novel MIMO SMC for comprehensive unified control of the cascaded DC‐DC and DC‐AC converters in grid connected photovoltaic systems. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications.

In a collaborative endeavor involving researcher Babaei from Engineering Faculty, Near East University, a significant advancement has been made in the realm of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems. Departing from traditional methods that treat DC-DC boost converters and DC-AC inverters as separate entities, the study introduces a novel Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) sliding mode controller (SMC). This controller is designed to comprehensively manage both components, recognizing and addressing the intricate interactions between them to enhance overall system performance.

At the core of the study lies the development of a comprehensive dynamic model capturing the complex behavior of the entire PV system. By considering the duty cycle of the DC-DC converter and the modulation index of the inverter as control inputs, and the generated photovoltaic DC power and exported power to the grid as control outputs, the proposed MIMO controller ensures effective regulation across a wide range of operating conditions.

A notable feature of the proposed approach is its capacity to stabilize the inverter DC link voltage, thus improving overall system stability. Through meticulous design and analysis, the study demonstrates that the MIMO-SMC controller outperforms traditional linear PI controllers, exhibiting zero steady-state error and robust dynamic response during transient conditions.

Furthermore, the study underscores the practical implications of the proposed method in maximizing the utilization of renewable resources by injecting maximum power into the grid. By carefully regulating the system’s outputs—defined as currents drawn from the input source and the grid—through a specially designed compensator network, the proposed approach offers a reliable solution for efficient renewable energy integration.

This collaborative research effort represents a significant advancement in the field of grid-connected PV systems. By offering a holistic and robust control strategy, the study contributes to improving system efficiency and reliability, laying the groundwork for more sustainable energy practices and fostering continued innovation in renewable energy integration.

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