A Z-number based multi-attribute decision-making algorithm for hydro-environmental system management
Date Added: 04 December 2023, 14:25
Last Updated Date:11 December 2023, 10:06

Nourani, V., & Najafi, H. (2023). A Z-number based multi-attribute decision-making algorithm for hydro-environmental system management. Neural Computing and Applications, 35(9), 6405-6421.

In an important study co-authored by a researcher from Near East University, a new decision-making algorithm utilizing Z-numbers has been introduced to enhance the management of hydro-environmental systems. This development is particularly significant in addressing the challenges faced by Lake Urmia in Iran, a region grappling with environmental deterioration due to both natural and human-induced factors.

The study focuses on improving decision-making under uncertain conditions, a common challenge in environmental management. Traditional Multi-Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) methods often fall short in handling the ambiguities inherent in environmental data. The novel approach proposed in this research integrates Z-numbers with existing MADM techniques, offering a more robust framework that accounts for both the constraints and the reliability of information. This method enables a clearer understanding of human knowledge uncertainty, which is critical in complex environmental scenarios.

Seven different strategies were assessed using this new approach, considering economic, social, environmental, and technical criteria. These criteria align with the goals of promoting sustainable water management and economic growth, focusing on initiatives like improving irrigation efficiency, inter-basin water transfer, optimizing water resource allocation, and reducing the area of irrigated lands. The method’s effectiveness was validated by comparing its results with those obtained from traditional MADM methods like AHP, FAHP, and TOPSIS.

The use of Z-numbers in this context presents a significant advancement in environmental decision-making. It simplifies the process and reduces computational costs while allowing for a broader range of expert opinions and data types. This flexibility is crucial in developing tailored solutions for specific environmental challenges.

The study’s outcomes suggest that this new method could be effectively applied to other complex decision-making scenarios beyond Lake Urmia’s rehabilitation, such as water allocation. It also opens up possibilities for incorporating uncertain parameters into the decision-making process, offering a comprehensive tool for environmental management.

In conclusion, this research from Near East University marks an important step in environmental and water resource management. By introducing an advanced decision-making tool that effectively navigates uncertainties, it supports more informed and reliable decision-making processes, contributing to the global efforts in achieving sustainable environmental practices and economic development.

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