Achieving highly efficient and stable MAPbI3 planar solar cell by embedding Cs+, Fe2+, and Cd2+ metal inorganic cations in perovskite structure
Date Added: 04 December 2023, 14:27
Last Updated Date:11 December 2023, 10:06

Ebadi, M., Sefidi, P. Y., Samadifar, A., Salari, D., & Hosseini, M. G. (2023). Achieving highly efficient and stable MAPbI3 planar solar cell by embedding Cs+, Fe2+, and Cd2+ metal inorganic cations in perovskite structure. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 154, 107194.

A researcher from Near East University has co-authored a notable study focusing on enhancing the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). This research represents a crucial step towards developing more sustainable and efficient solar energy solutions, directly contributing to global initiatives in renewable energy and industrial innovation.

The study introduces a novel approach to modify the MAPbI3 perovskite structure by embedding inorganic cations such as Cs+, Fe2+, and Cd2+. The incorporation of these cations, achieved through a two-step spin-coating process, aims to address the longstanding issues of low stability and lead toxicity in PSCs. These limitations have been significant barriers to the widespread adoption of perovskite-based solar technology.

The results of the study are promising, showing that the partial substitution of CH3NH3+ cations with Cs+ and Pb2+ cations with Fe2+ and Cd2+ leads to enhanced crystallinity and photovoltaic parameters of the PSCs. Particularly, solar cells with a 10% level of cation substitution demonstrated an average power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 21.04%, outperforming traditional MAPbI3-based cells.

Further analysis through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) revealed that these modified cells have lower charge transfer resistance and higher recombination resistance, contributing to their improved performance. Additionally, the stability of these cells was tested over a 35-day period, with the most stable results observed in cells containing 10% substitution of Fe2+, Cd2+, and Cs+.

The successful outcome of this study, featuring a collaborative effort that includes a researcher from Near East University, is a significant contribution to the field of solar energy. The developed perovskite solar cells with lower lead content and enhanced efficiency and stability are not just a technological advancement but also a step towards achieving sustainable energy goals. This research aligns with the global pursuit of clean and renewable energy sources, offering a viable solution for the sustainable development of solar energy technologies.

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