Atatürk University Faculty of Education, Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department Organized Peer Support Day Event
Date Added: 27 March 2024, 08:05
Last Updated Date:04 April 2024, 08:07

On March 27th, Atatürk University’s Faculty of Education hosted a noteworthy event within the premises of the Guidance and Psychological Counseling Department. Spearheaded by Sumru Sürmeli and Esra Yeşilpınar, the department organized an enriching Peer Sharing Day, serving as a platform for students immersed in the realms of psychological counseling and guidance to exchange invaluable experiences and insights amongst themselves.

The event proved to be an illuminating affair, with students fervently engaging in discussions and offering practical advice on a myriad of topics pertinent to their field of study. Conversations traversed through the exploration of diverse career pathways available within the department, shedding light on the intricacies of each avenue and the requisite skill sets demanded by them. Furthermore, attendees eagerly recommended an array of seminars and blogs aimed at further enriching their understanding and proficiency in the domain.

Delving deeper into the discourse, participants immersed themselves in the intricacies of certification processes, demystifying the procedures and offering pragmatic guidance to their peers embarking on similar journeys. Moreover, discussions revolved around the selection of preferred educational programs, with students sharing personal anecdotes and insights to aid their counterparts in making informed decisions.

The significance of the event extended beyond mere information dissemination; it fostered a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among students, establishing a conducive environment for collective learning and growth. Such initiatives underscore the importance of peer-to-peer interaction in academia, recognizing the invaluable wisdom that can be gleaned from one another’s experiences.

As the event drew to a close, participants left enriched and empowered, armed with newfound knowledge and a strengthened sense of community within the department. Moving forward, it is imperative to continue nurturing such initiatives, fostering an environment where students can continue to learn from each other’s experiences and collectively strive towards excellence in the field of psychological counseling and guidance.