The Center for Gender Studies (TOCAM) has been established under the umbrella of the Center of Excellence at Near East University, with the aim to combat all forms of discrimination based on gender, and to implement education and practices towards gender equality at national and international levels.
Embracing an interdisciplinary approach in the field of gender equality, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İzlem Kanlı has been appointed as the president of TOCAM, with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayça Demet Atay assuming the role of vice president. The co-chairs of the scientific board have been designated as Prof. Dr. Özen Aşut and Asst. Prof. Dr. Tijen Zeybek.
The executive board of the center comprises the following individuals:
- Prof. Dr. Özen Aşut
- Assoc. Prof.Dr. Ayça Demet Atay
- Assoc. Prof.Dr. Dilek Sarpkaya Güder
- Assoc. Prof.Dr. İzlem Kanlı
- Asst. Prof.Dr. Ayşe Buran
- Asst. Prof.Dr. Fatma Miralay
- Asst. Prof.Dr. Filiz Yarıcı
- Asst. Prof.Dr. Tijen Zeybek
- Dr. Meliz Yuvalı
The scientific board of TOCAM consists of the following academics who have carried out significant studies in their respective fields:
- Prof. Dr. Ayşe Akın (Başkent University)
- Prof. Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu (Eastern Mediterranean University)
- Prof. Dr. İncilay Cangöz (Anadolu University)
- Prof. Dr. Sevda Alankuş (Yaşar University)
- Prof. Dr. Şanda Çalı (Near East University)
- Prof. Dr. Şevkat Bahar Özvarış (Hacettepe University)
- Assoc. Prof.Dr. Burcu Avcıbay Vurgeç (Çukurova University)
- Assoc. Prof.Dr. Süheyla Üçışık Erbilen (Eastern Mediterranean University)