Enhancing Thermal Performance and Sustainability Parabolic Trough Concentrator Systems in Djelfa’s Solar-Integrated Urban Design.
Date Added: 04 December 2023, 14:51
Last Updated Date:11 December 2023, 10:05

Tlili, S., Kaddour, A., Osra, O. A., Bayram, M., Atif, M., Ahmad, H., & Menni, Y. (2023). Enhancing thermal performance and sustainability parabolic trough concentrator systems in Djelfa’s solar-integrated urban design. Thermal Science, 27(4 Part B), 3251-3260.

A collaborative study involving a researcher from Near East University has made significant strides in enhancing the thermal performance of parabolic trough concentrator systems in Djelfa, Algeria. This research aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals of ensuring access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy, fostering innovation, and making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

The study, conducted during the coldest days of 2022, analyzed astronomical and climatic data to determine the optimal use of solar energy in urban design. Focusing on January 1st, the coldest day with about nine hours and 43 minutes of sunlight, the study investigated the variations in solar radiation intensity and air temperature. By converting solar radiation into heat, it examined crucial outputs such as water exit temperature, thermal energy, and total yield from a renewable energy converter.

The findings reveal that different glass coverings on the solar concentrators significantly affect these outputs. Utilizing glass with a higher emission coefficient, like clear monochromatic glass, was found to enhance the efficiency of solar energy conversion, resulting in higher temperatures and energy yields. These insights are critical for optimizing material selection in solar energy systems, promoting the integration of renewable energy into urban infrastructure, and advancing sustainable practices for a low-carbon future.

From a policy perspective, this research underlines the importance of investing in renewable energy technologies and incorporating sustainable energy sources into urban planning. It advocates for designing energy-efficient systems tailored to local climatic conditions, enhancing the resilience of urban infrastructure against climate change. Moreover, the study highlights the need for further research in this area, particularly considering various factors influencing solar radiation intensity, such as cloud cover and humidity.

In conclusion, the study co-authored by a Near East University researcher contributes significantly to the understanding of renewable energy potentials in urban settings. It provides valuable insights for decision-makers in developing sustainable energy solutions, reinforcing the global efforts towards achieving a more sustainable and resilient future for cities and communities.

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