Formulating sustainable development policy for a developed nation: exploring the role of renewable energy, natural gas efficiency and oil efficiency towards decarbonization
Date Added: 24 January 2024, 12:23
Last Updated Date:25 January 2024, 07:49

Anser, M. K., Khan, K. A., Umar, M., Awosusi, A. A., & Shamansurova, Z. (2023). Formulating sustainable development policy for a developed nation: exploring the role of renewable energy, natural gas efficiency and oil efficiency towards decarbonization. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-17.

Researcher from Near East University have played a role in a comprehensive study examining the pivotal factors influencing CO2 emissions in Finland from 1990 to 2020. The research, centered on the Fourier testing approach, assesses the impact of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and urbanization on CO2 emissions while considering economic growth and trade openness. The findings underscore the crucial role of prioritizing sustainable urbanization, renewable energy adoption, and energy efficiency measures for mitigating CO2 emissions.

Employing the Fourier ARDL estimator, the study reveals that energy efficiency measures, specifically in gas and oil usage, contribute to the mitigation of CO2 emissions. Conversely, economic growth and trade openness were identified as factors inducing CO2 emissions. Notably, the research highlights the positive effects of urbanization and renewable energy in reducing CO2 emissions. The Fourier-Toda-Yamamoto method further supports the long-term implications of these factors, emphasizing the need for a regulatory framework to enhance energy efficiency and promote sustainable urban development.

In conclusion, the study emphasizes that nations, including Finland, must adopt robust strategies focusing on sustainable urban development, increased reliance on renewable energy, and enhanced fossil fuel efficiency to achieve the global net-zero emissions target. The research provides valuable insights into the nonlinear relationships between these variables, offering a comprehensive understanding of their interplay over time. The nonlinear Fourier approaches utilized in the study prove effective in capturing gradual changes in the structure of time-series data, contributing to the scientific understanding of the complexities involved in mitigating CO2 emissions.

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