A seminar on “Healthy Nutrition and Growth in Children” was held for middle school students at Hala Sultan Divinity College in Haspolat, organized by the Cyprus Turkish Dietitians Association and Near East University, with the support of the Ministry of Education. The seminar was led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Taygun Dayı, a pediatric dietitian at Near East University Hospital and a faculty member of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

After each session, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Taygun Dayı answered the students’ questions, creating an interactive and engaging learning environment. This approach not only educated students about nutrition but also encouraged them to ask questions and think critically about their eating habits.
The seminar received positive feedback from the students, who showed enthusiasm and interest in learning more about nutrition. This initiative highlights Near East University’s dedication to promoting health awareness and providing valuable educational resources to the community, particularly to younger generations.
More Information: https://saglikbilimleri.neu.edu.tr/cocuklarda-saglikli-beslenme-ve-saglikli-buyume-semineri/