Interdisciplinary Research and Ethics in Higher Education Was Discussed at the Panel Held at Near East University
Date Added: 17 April 2024, 05:54
Last Updated Date:22 April 2024, 05:57

Near East University hosted a panel titled “Interdisciplinary Research and Ethics in Higher Education.” Organized by the Graduate School of Education, the panel brought together numerous expert academicians. Emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations in interdisciplinary research and scientific endeavors in higher education, discussions revolved around producing innovative solutions to societal issues through collaborative project works and contributing to global knowledge production.

Chaired by Prof. Dr. Fahriye Altınay, Head of the Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, and Prof. Dr. Umut Aksoy, Associate Director of the Graduate School of Education, the opening speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Kemal Hüsnü Can Başer, Director of the Graduate School of Education.

During the panel, presentations were made by Prof. Dr. Evren Hıncal, Director of the Excellence Center and Advisor to the Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Zehra Altınay, Director of the Center for Social Research and Development, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sait Akşit, Director of the Center for Strategy and Energy Policies Research.

Prof. Dr. Kemal Hüsnü Can Başer highlighted, “We share knowledge and experiences, enabling us to stay updated with current developments and gain new perspectives.”

Reminding that the Graduate School of Education has produced over 5,000 graduates across 150 programs, Prof. Dr. Kemal Hüsnü Can Başer underscored their active role. He stated, “These events allow academicians and experts from various disciplines to come together, share knowledge and experiences, enabling our students and academic staff to stay updated with the latest developments and gain new perspectives.”

In the first presentation, Prof. Dr. Evren Hıncal emphasized the importance of establishing appropriate communication channels, mutual understanding, and collaboration in interdisciplinary research. Prof. Dr. Zehra Altınay highlighted the role of interdisciplinary collaboration within the framework of social values, business ethics, and work ethics. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sait Akşit, in the final presentation, discussed the role of ethics in producing free, reliable, and responsible knowledge, emphasizing researchers’ responsibility to ensure honesty and ethical conduct in their interactions.



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