Lifelong Education Center provided “Public Contact and Communication” Training To Police Officers
Date Added: 22 April 2024, 05:33
Last Updated Date:24 April 2024, 05:46

Near East University Lifelong Education Center (YABEM) continued its training efforts aimed at fostering the development of individuals and professional groups through its expert instructor staff and modern educational technologies. YABEM, which offers free “Public Relations and Communication” training at the TRNC Police School, has undertaken a significant study on how police officers can establish healthy communication with the public. During the program organized by YABEM, Assistant Professor Dr. Tijen Zeybek from Near East University shared vital insights on building trust-based relations between the police and citizens.

The police not only serve as the law enforcement arm of the state but also represent the face of the state in closest contact with the public, ensuring societal security. Effective communication with the public plays a crucial role in enabling the police force to understand society’s needs, earn their trust, and garner their support. In this regard, the education provided by YABEM holds great significance for society and the interaction between the police department and civilians.

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