Mother’s knowledge for environmental risks and self-awareness for the presence of pollutants in her living area in West and Central Anatolia: a cross-sectional survey
Date Added: 09 February 2024, 14:09

Yalçin, S. S., Gezgen Kesen, G., Güçiz Doğan, B., Yalçin, S., & Acar Vaizoğlu, S. (2023). Mother’s knowledge for environmental risks and self-awareness for the presence of pollutants in her living area in West and Central Anatolia: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1780.

A collaborative research effort, including a co-author Vaizoğlu from Near East University, has shed light on the critical importance of environmental risk awareness in communities, particularly among mothers residing in various regions of Western and Central Anatolia. Conducted through a cross-sectional household survey, the study aimed to assess the presence of environmental hazards in residential areas and the knowledge levels of mothers regarding associated risk factors.

The study, conducted in 2008 and 2009, sampled 3489 mothers from both urban and rural settings, with household sampling weighted according to population density. Data collected included demographic information, health status, dwelling characteristics, and responses to open-ended questions regarding environmental risks.

Findings revealed that 19.3% of mothers were unaware of environmental risks, while 75.7% acknowledged the presence of at least one environmental pollutant in their surroundings. Air pollution emerged as the most commonly perceived risk factor, with 23.0% of respondents citing its presence, particularly in 12.4% of living areas. Statistical analysis indicated significant associations between perception of environmental risk and factors such as region, residence type, housing characteristics, and family health status.

The study’s conclusions underscored the influential role of neighborhood conditions and family health in shaping mothers’ awareness of environmental risk factors. It emphasized the need for enhanced communication and collaboration among local governments, health institutions, NGOs, and other stakeholders to bolster risk awareness and facilitate informed decision-making.

To address environmental risks effectively and inform policy decisions, proactive measures to increase societal awareness are deemed essential. The study highlighted the impact of residential area characteristics on mothers’ comprehension of environmental risks, emphasizing the urgency of fostering environmental awareness to safeguard the well-being of children, communities, and environmental health. The role of health authorities in prioritizing public awareness initiatives was underscored, emphasizing the importance of concerted efforts to raise awareness and address environmental risks comprehensively.

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