Near East University and Asian Forum Collaborate on Brain and Consciousness Research
Date Added: 07 May 2024, 08:45
Last Updated Date:08 May 2024, 08:47

Near East University and the Asian Forum on Chronobiology, based in Japan, have signed a significant collaboration protocol, encompassing brain and consciousness areas as well. This protocol covers a wide range of topics in chronobiology, including sleep patterns, biological rhythms, the biological clock, cyclical gene expression, hormonal regulations, and all other biological effects of time. With the signatures of Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ and Prof. Dr. Ken-ichi Honma, this protocol aims to facilitate scientific research.

Near East University continues to expand its international network by collaborating with over 150 universities and institutions worldwide, striving to create a global platform for cooperation.

In 2019, Near East University also signed a collaboration protocol with the International Society for Sleep Sciences and Technologies, based in Germany, to conduct research and technology development activities. This protocol, signed in 2019, also encompasses the Innovative Medical and Health Technology Center and China Medical University.

Chronobiology, examining sleep patterns, biological rhythms, the biological clock, cyclical gene expression, hormonal regulations, and all other biological effects of time, is the focal point of this collaboration between Near East University and the Asian Forum on Chronobiology. Through this protocol, the two institutions will join forces to conduct scientific research in these areas, including brain and consciousness-related studies, fostering a collaborative environment for innovative discoveries and advancements.

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