Near East University Animal Hospital Launches SDG-Aligned Campaign for Sustainable Farm Animal Breeding
Date Added: 10 April 2023, 11:48
Last Updated Date:11 December 2023, 10:21

Near East University Animal Hospital Launches SDG-Aligned Campaign for Sustainable Farm Animal Breeding

In a significant stride towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Near East University Animal Hospital, in collaboration with Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, has unveiled a groundbreaking campaign aimed at promoting healthy and efficient breeding practices for cattle, sheep, and poultry farmers in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Acknowledging the critical role of animal husbandry in ensuring a sustainable and resilient food supply, the campaign addresses the evolving challenges faced by farmers, particularly in the context of changing climatic conditions. Dr. Mehmet İsfendiyaroğlu, Chief Physician at Near East University Animal Hospital, emphasized the campaign's objective of supporting breeders for a healthier and more productive aquaculture.

The comprehensive campaign offers five distinct options designed to enhance the overall well-being and productivity of farm animals. Among the key features are bi-monthly farm visits over a minimum of six months, rapid feed analysis, expert consultancy on nutritional diseases, and precise ration regulation. These services are geared towards providing farmers with the scientific methods necessary to optimize productivity while ensuring the health and vitality of their livestock.

Dr. İsfendiyaroğlu highlighted the pivotal role of regular health checks and a conscientious nutrition program in determining the productivity and health of farm animals. By integrating these essential components into the campaign, Near East University Animal Hospital aims to bolster the resilience of livestock breeders and contribute to the broader goals of sustainable agriculture.

As Near East University Animal Hospital takes strides towards a more sustainable future for animal breeding, the campaign exemplifies a local effort with global implications.

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