Near East University DESAM Research Institute Hosts “Stem Cell Symposium”
Date Added: 03 June 2024, 06:37
Last Updated Date:06 June 2024, 06:39

The Near East University DESAM Research Institute recently hosted the “Stem Cell Symposium,” addressing the rapid advancements, innovations, and future directions in stem cell research and applications. The symposium attracted significant participation from scientists, researchers, and students specializing in stem cell studies.

The event commenced with opening remarks by Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ and DESAM Research Institute Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cenk Serhan Özverel. The opening speeches set the stage for a series of informative presentations by prominent experts in the field. These included Prof. Dr. H. Seda Vatansever, Founding Member and Scientific Research Projects Coordinator of DESAM; Prof. Dr. Sinan Güven from Dokuz Eylül University; Prof. Dr. K. Can Akcalı, Director of Ankara University Stem Cell Institute; Dr. Çağlar Özketen, researcher at DESAM; Prof. Dr. Güney Yılmaz, Head of Periodontology at Near East University Dental Hospital; and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cenk Serhan Özverel.

Throughout the symposium, participants engaged with the latest developments in stem cell research and explored opportunities for future collaborations. The sessions provided a comprehensive overview of current research trends and practical applications in the field.

The symposium featured a variety of topics: Prof. Dr. H. Seda Vatansever introduced the subject with “Stem Cells – Why Are They Fascinating?” Prof. Dr. Sinan Güven discussed “Stem Cells and Organoid Technologies in Bioengineering.” Prof. Dr. K. Can Akcalı presented

“New Hope for a Healthier World: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs),” while Dr. Çağlar Özketen explored “The Potential of Stem Cell Exosomes as Next-Generation Drug Delivery Systems.” Additionally, Prof. Dr. Güney Yılmaz and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cenk Serhan Özverel examined “Biological Therapy and Lasers in Dentistry.”





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