Near East University Faculty of Pharmacy Achieves International Accreditation from ACPE
Date Added: 03 January 2024, 07:46
Last Updated Date:04 January 2024, 07:54

The Near East University Faculty of Pharmacy has successfully completed the international independent accreditation process led by the “Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education” (ACPE), based in the United States, and has been granted the title of an “accredited pharmacy faculty.” With this accreditation from ACPE, the Faculty of Pharmacy at Near East University has achieved a milestone among pharmacy faculties in Northern Cyprus and Turkey. The accreditation process, initiated in 2014, concluded in 2023, underscoring the challenges of the comprehensive evaluation.

The final stage of the accreditation process took place in October 2023, with the ACPE evaluation team conducting a visit to assess the quality standards presented in the faculty’s self-assessment report. The visit resulted in a successful evaluation report.

Quality of education assessed through multiple criteria!
ACPE, which accredits institutions worldwide by evaluating the quality of pharmacy education, utilizes various criteria to assess the quality and suitability of programs. The accreditation process evaluates the effectiveness of the faculty’s academic staff in conducting education and research activities, along with assessing the library, laboratory, technological infrastructure, and resource accessibility. The evaluation also considers the effectiveness of providing practical training and internship opportunities, emphasizing the professional skills and ethical values instilled in students.

In achieving ACPE accreditation, the Near East University Faculty of Pharmacy has demonstrated its commitment to maintaining high standards in pharmacy education and ensuring the development of competent and ethical professionals in the field.

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