Near East University Music Education Students Bring Harmony to Local Schools Through Community Service Initiatives
Date Added: 03 April 2024, 08:07
Last Updated Date:04 April 2024, 08:12

Students from the Music Education Department at the Faculty of Education at Near East University took part in an enriching initiative as part of their Community Service Applications course. Under the guidance of instructor Dr. Neriman Soykunt, the students embarked on a meaningful journey to engage with primary school students, fostering a deeper connection to music and its impact on education.

At the heart of this endeavor were the vibrant events held at Zümrütköy Elementary School and Alayköy Elementary School. Here, the students orchestrated interactive sessions where the young learners were immersed in the world of musical instruments. From the melodic tones of the violin and the soulful resonance of the cello to the rhythmic beats of drums, the students had the chance to explore a diverse array of instruments firsthand.

The event at Zümrütköy Elementary School provided an intimate setting for students to interact closely with each instrument, igniting their curiosity and appreciation for music. Through hands-on experiences and guided demonstrations, the students delved into the nuances of each instrument, enriching their understanding of music’s multifaceted nature.

Similarly, at Alayköy Elementary School, the Music Education Department students conducted a captivating musical instrument presentation project. By sharing the universal language of music, they introduced students to various instruments, fostering a sense of unity and cultural appreciation among the young minds.

Beyond the musical exploration, these events served as a testament to the transformative power of community service and teaching. Led by Dr. Neriman Soykunt, the activities not only broadened students’ horizons in music but also instilled in them the values of empathy, communication, and leadership.

As students shared their passion for music with the community, they also gained invaluable teaching experience, further solidifying their commitment to making a positive impact through education. These initiatives not only underscore the importance of music in education and society but also exemplify the profound learning opportunities that arise from community engagement and service-oriented initiatives within academia.