Near East University Supports 31 New Scientific Projects, Total Reaches 262!
Date Added: 19 March 2024, 07:08
Last Updated Date:20 March 2024, 07:11

Near East University has reached a total of 262 supported projects in the last eight years, following its decision to provide financial support to an additional 31 scientific projects.

These newly supported projects involve 88 academics and researchers and cover a wide array of topics, ranging from the development of new diagnostic kits for infectious diseases to mRNA vaccine research, cancer studies, and stem cell research. With its team of qualified researchers, Near East University has a track record of turning scientific research into tangible products.

The university’s commitment to turning research into practical solutions is evident in its support for various projects, including the development of diagnostic kits for infectious diseases, mRNA vaccine studies, innovative approaches to vascular and endothelial functional disorders, activity analyses of newly synthesized products, and the development of experimental animal and in vitro models. Projects also include cancer research, stem cell studies, material development for health education, analysis of food pathogens, and chemical analysis of food samples stored in a prebiotic stock bank.

With 88 academics involved in these projects, interdisciplinary collaboration is a key highlight. The university emphasizes that the scientific outputs of these projects will be shared with the global scientific community through publications in high-impact journals. In 2023 alone, Near East University surpassed the mark of 1,760 published articles, contributing significantly to scientific literature.

Through these supported projects, Near EastUniversity not only aims to address societal needs but also seeks to expand the scientific contribution of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to the global scientific community.