Promoting Healthy Conversations: Near East University’s Gender Research and Application Center and the Dean of Students Office Collaborated with Iskele Municipality to Drive Sexual Health Education in Local Communities
Date Added: 31 January 2024, 06:55
Last Updated Date:01 February 2024, 06:57

Near East University’s Gender Research and Application Center (TOCAM) and the Dean of Students Office Sexual Health Service Unit collaborated with Iskele Municipality to organize a month-long series of public education sessions on sexuality and sexual health in the Iskele region. Conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilek SARPKAYA GÜDER, a faculty member in Obstetrics and Women’s Health Nursing at Near East University, the initiative aimed to enhance awareness about the importance of lifelong sexuality and sexual health.

Taking place from January 4 to January 26, 2024, the educational program covered 21 villages, represented by nine village centers/women’s workshops and a central location. The training sessions focused on various aspects of sexuality, including its significance throughout different life stages. Assoc. Prof. Dr. SARPKAYA GÜDER discussed topics such as the importance of sexuality and sexual health, sexual rights, common sexual issues, and sexual health problems. Additionally, she addressed the meaning of sexuality during each life stage.

The educational sessions concluded with recommendations for safe sexual practices, including monogamous sexual relationships, condom usage in all types of sexual encounters, effective contraception methods to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and early diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Assoc. Prof. Dr. SARPKAYA GÜDER emphasized the importance of avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption for safe sexuality and sexual health.

These sessions highlighted the negative impact of societal taboos, family attitudes, and social pressures on the expression and discussion of sexuality. It underscored that sexuality, encompassing not only sexual organs but also the body and mind, is a concept that spans an individual’s entire life and constitutes sexual health, emphasizing the need for a positive and respectful approach to everyone’s sexual rights.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. SARPKAYA GÜDER also drew attention to the prevalent sexual dysfunction and sexually transmitted infections in Turkey due to the lack of comprehensive sexual education, especially during childhood and adolescence. The educational gaps were identified as significant contributors to sexual issues.

With a majority of participants being elderly, the sessions addressed the continuation of sexuality in later years, emphasizing that expressions of sexuality undergo changes, leading to increased passion and closeness in relationships. Scientific studies have shown that dispelling misconceptions about sexuality in old age positively influences the quality of life and physical health of the elderly.

The collaborative effort between Near East University, Iskele Municipality, and TOCAM demonstrates a commitment to public health education and contributes to breaking down societal barriers surrounding sexual health discussions.

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