Renowned Scholar Prof. Dr. Vamık Volkan Discusses Psychological Roots of Wars
Date Added: 17 June 2024, 12:20
Last Updated Date:24 June 2024, 12:22

Cypriot-Turkish scholar and one of the founders of political psychology, Prof. Dr. Vamık Volkan, delivered a compelling lecture at Near East University, examining the psychological factors behind the initiation of wars, using contemporary examples.

Throughout his career, Prof. Dr. Vamık Volkan has explored the psychoanalytic dimensions of wars within the realm of political psychology. In his lecture titled “Why Are There Wars?” held at Near East University, he offered significant insights into ongoing conflicts worldwide.

The event, part of the “Conference Series” organized by the Near East University Center of Excellence, was free and open to the public, allowing a diverse audience to engage with the topic of war in Prof. Dr. Volkan’s homeland. The conference provided a comprehensive analysis of the causes of wars from historical to modern times, presenting a critical perspective on current international crises.

The conference saw a high turnout, and the opening remarks were delivered by Prof. Dr. Nur Köprülü, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Near East University. In her speech, Prof. Dr. Nur Köprülü emphasized that recent wars have prompted scholars to re-examine and scrutinize conflicts. She stressed that wars should not only be viewed through the lens of military strategies and policies but also through sociological, economic, and humanitarian dimensions.

Prof. Dr. Vamık Volkan’s lecture underscored the importance of understanding the deep-seated psychological motivations behind wars, contributing valuable perspectives to the discourse on global conflicts. The event concluded with an engaging Q&A session, where attendees had the opportunity to delve deeper into the psychological aspects of warfare.





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