Solar-Powered Solutions for the Water and Energy Shortage Problem: The Case Study of Nahr El Bared, Lebanon
Date Added: 30 January 2024, 12:09

Kassem, Y., Gokcekus, H., Ab Albakoush, I. A., & Abdullah, K. S. B. (2023). Solar-Powered Solutions for the Water and Energy Shortage Problem: The Case Study of Nahr El Bared, Lebanon. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 13(3), 10861-10869.

Researchers Kassem, Gokcekus, Albakoush and Abdullah from Near East University have conducted a comprehensive study focusing on the utilization of solar power to address Lebanon’s dual challenges of energy shortage and water scarcity. The primary objective of the paper is to assess the techno-economic feasibility of rooftop grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) energy systems for electricity generation and freshwater production in Nahr El Bared, Lebanon.

The study begins with a thorough review of existing scientific literature, shedding light on Lebanon’s current water resources and energy landscape. Findings highlight significant issues, including water pollution, untreated domestic and industrial sewage, and unsustainable agricultural practices. Moreover, the country grapples with frequent power outages due to population growth, economic expansion, and reliance on outdated power plants.

In response to these challenges, the proposed project aims to evaluate the viability of solar energy as a sustainable solution. The techno-economic performance of the proposed PV system in the selected region was rigorously assessed using RETScreen Experts software, considering variations in financial parameters.

The results showcase that the rooftop grid-connected PV system could generate 11,770–13,451 kWh/yr, contributing significantly to reducing energy shortages and producing drinkable water. Importantly, the investment was deemed economically viable and attractive for potential investors.

In conclusion, the paper emphasizes that solar energy has the potential to alleviate electricity shortages, lower the country’s energy costs, and provide a sustainable source of freshwater for both drinking and domestic use. The findings underscore the significance of adopting solar solutions to overcome the pressing challenges faced by Lebanon. As governments and researchers worldwide seek alternative energy sources to meet growing demands, this study serves as a practical guide for policymakers, showcasing the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of rooftop grid-connected PV systems in addressing critical energy and water issues.

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