The Effective Use Of Water In The Agricultural Production Workshop Held By Near East University And Selçuk University In The Charge Of The TRNC Presidency And Ministry of Agriculture
Date Added: 29 April 2024, 10:31
Last Updated Date:30 April 2024, 10:33

A collaborative effort between the Near East University Faculty of Agriculture, Selçuk University Faculty of Agriculture, and supported by the TRNC Presidency and Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, recently culminated in the “Workshop on the Effective Use of Water in Agricultural Production of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.”

With a considerable turnout, the workshop aimed to foster efficient and sustainable water management practices within agricultural production. Participants convened to assess the current state of water usage in the agricultural sector, pinpoint existing challenges, and propose viable solutions.

Representatives from the public sector, including officials from the State Hydraulic Works Office under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey and the TRNC Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Water Affairs Department, were actively involved. Additionally, working groups comprising farmers, producer representatives, and academics from Turkish and TRNC universities congregated at the Near East University İrfan Günsel Congress Center. Throughout the workshop, crucial topics such as “Sustainable Use of Water and Soil Resources,” “Irrigation Methods and Effective Water Utilization,” “Drainage in Irrigated Areas,” “Salinity Problems and Fertilization Techniques,” “Waste Water Utilization,” “Artificial Intelligence in Dry Agriculture,” and “Water Management” were discussed at length.

The workshop concluded with the anticipation that the scientific insights generated would be compiled into a comprehensive report. This report is expected to play a pivotal role in guiding the future trajectory of agriculture in the TRNC, improving more efficient and sustainable water management practices.

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