Tobacco Control Symposium: Strengthening Awareness and Building a Tobacco-Free Campus
Date Added: 12 March 2024, 13:35
Last Updated Date:20 March 2024, 13:36

The Tobacco Control Club of the Faculty of Medicine and Student Deanery at Near East University organized a landmark event titled “Tobacco Control – Towards a Smoke-Free Campus Student Symposium,” comprising two sessions on March 11 and 12, 2024.

The first session, held on March 11, 2024, commenced with a series of illuminating presentations addressing various aspects of tobacco use. Ayah Khaled Fawakhrji, Douaa Al Farou, and Prof. Dr. Arzu Balkon spearheaded discussions on the health ramifications of cigarette consumption, highlighting the urgent need for tobacco control measures. Further shedding light on alternative tobacco products, Cansu Katırcı and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fadime Tülücü delved into the health consequences of smokeless tobacco and hookah smoking, underscoring their impact on public health.

The session continued with an exploration of e-cigarette use and its associated health risks, featuring insights from Ayah Zaki Zaher, Adam Saleh, Rawand Khaled Fawai Tahave, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehtap Tınazlı. Rüveyda Aydoğdu and Prof. Dr. Songül Vaizoğlu further elucidated the adverse effects of passive smoking on health. Moreover, Buse Taşşeten and Prof. Dr. Songül Vaizoğlu shed light on the economic and environmental repercussions of tobacco consumption, urging sustainable practices.

Addressing the impact of tobacco use on academic and professional performance, Fatma Ebrar Gebel and Dr. Öğretim Görevlisi Burak Akdöner underscored the need for comprehensive tobacco control strategies within educational and workplace settings.

The second session, on March 12, 2024, focused on interventions targeting tobacco addiction. Dilem Rumet Başak and Dr. Öğretim Görevlisi Burak Akdöner outlined behavioral therapies for tobacco addiction, emphasizing the role of counseling and support services. Samy Subhi Abusenbl and Dr. Öğretim Görevlisi Sadık Taşkın Taş delved into pharmacotherapy options, providing insights into medication-assisted treatments for nicotine dependence.

Nia Üçok and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülpiya Uygur shed light on the prevalence of tobacco use across different societies, highlighting cultural and socioeconomic factors influencing smoking behaviors. Moreover, Rem Elsayyad, Farah Zidan, and Prof. Dr. Şanda Çalı discussed the prevalence of tobacco use among medical students and healthcare professionals, advocating for tailored interventions.

The symposium concluded with a collaborative discussion and workshop moderated by Cansu Katırcı, where participants explored actionable steps to promote a smoke-free campus environment at Near East University. This symposium served as an essential platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, emphasizing the imperative of concerted efforts towards tobacco control and public health promotion.