Women Were Given Training on the ‘Conscious Use of Drugs and Antibiotics’ in Cooperation with Near East University Faculty of Dentistry and Dikmen Municipality
Date Added: 19 January 2024, 06:47
Last Updated Date:22 January 2024, 06:48

Unconscious use of medication leading to increased antibiotic resistance is one of the most significant global health issues. As frequently emphasized by the World Health Organization, many bacteria are developing resistance to antibiotics due to excessive and incorrect usage. This renders antibiotics ineffective, making it significantly challenging to treat diseases.

In an effort to raise awareness about proper medication use, a collaboration between Near East University Faculty of Dentistry and Dikmen Municipality organized an informative meeting for women. The event, held at Dikmen Youth Center, saw active participation from women in the community, including Dikmen Mayor Yüksel Çelebi and female council members.

During the information session led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilan Kırmızı, Faculty Member of the Department of Endodontics at the Near East University Faculty of Dentistry, insights into the correct use of antibiotics and painkillers were shared. Researchers from the Faculty of Dentistry, Dt. Özel Baysen, Dt. Deniz Şevik, and Dt. Pelin Su Aydın, also attended the meeting.

Highlighting the crucial role of women in accelerating societal transformation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilan Kırmızı stated, “We organized this event targeting women initially to raise social awareness and consciousness about medication use.”

Warning about the potential health risks, including death, associated with incorrect medication use, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kırmızı emphasized the importance of patients adhering to the prescribed treatment, taking the right dosage for an adequate duration. She cautioned against scenarios where patients misuse or deviate from the prescribed treatment.

Discussing the impact of unconscious antibiotic use on bacterial resistance and the negative effects on treatment outcomes, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kırmızı underscored the importance of both the correct medication and dosage. She cautioned against assuming that a medication effective for someone else would work similarly for oneself.

Addressing the use of antibiotics and painkillers in dentistry, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dilan Kırmızı emphasized the necessity of all treatments being under the supervision of a doctor. She warned about potential side effects in painkillers and stressed the importance of proper storage for medications, including keeping them away from sunlight and moisture.

In concluding remarks, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kırmızı reminded the audience to take all orally administered tablets with water, avoiding acidic beverages. She also provided guidance on the proper storage of various types of medications, emphasizing the importance of following medical advice for optimal results.


More Information: https://neu.edu.tr/women-were-given-training-on-the-conscious-use-of-drugs-and-antibiotics-in-cooperation-with-near-east-university-and-dikmen-municipality/?lang=en