
At Near East University, providing convenient campus access is one of our top priorities. We have free university buses that transport students, staff and visitors to the city centre and various parts of Northern Cyprus to reduce car usage and promote shared transport. Our campus is designed so that all needs can be met within walking distance which encourages physical activities and reduces the need for motorized transport. We also offer alternative transport options on and off campus, such as bicycles and electric scooters, making it easy for everyone to reach their destinations in eco-friendly ways.


Commuting by bus

Our university offers free shuttle services between Campus Nicosia and Nicosia – Campus from 06:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Additionally, we provide free shuttle services to Girne, Mağusa and Güzelyurt. Within the campus, we also offer shuttle services connecting the dormitory area with various units.

Click here for detailed Transportation Service Information:

Commuting with bicycles

100% of the students and employees who choose to commute to the university by bicycle successfully reach the campus. As a result of the collaborations with Velespeed, it is estimated that the proportion of students cycling to the university will increase to 10% in the next 5 years. Commuting by bicycle offers an eco-friendly, cost-effective mode of transportation. They promote physical exercise, reduce traffic congestion, and improve mental well-being. Overall, commuting with a bicycle provides an efficient, healthy, and sustainable transportation option that offers numerous advantages for students and communities.


Commuting with electric scooters

The use of electric scooters has become increasingly widespread on campus among students and staff, serving as a sustainable solution to combat air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and reducing fossil fuels. They effectively alleviate traffic congestion and minimize noise pollution within the campus. Additionally, electric scooters encourage physical activity, simplify parking, and result in cost savings for maintenance.

Commuting with others (cars, etc.)

The university plans to promote the use of electric cars through ‘GÜNSEL’ to achieve its goal of having 50% of vehicles commuting to the university powered by electric engines by 2030. It is anticipated that the final percentage of commuting to the university by car will decrease to 25% by 2030. Additionally, a mobile application is currently developing to enhance accessibility, providing information such as timing, availability, and other related features.

Commuting on foot

The presence of walking paths within the campus enables students, staff and all visitors to cover distances safely by providing a safe and comfortable commute on foot.

Measures and targets

We invite all members of the Near East University community to join us in this crucial initiative. Together, we can reduce traffic congestion, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and create a more sustainable and livable campus.

Measured Sustainable Commuting

Commuting by bus: Near East University has sufficient bus capacity to accommodate anyone who wishes to use the service. Sixty percent of students and staff use the university's complimentary bus service for their commute.

Commuting by bicycle: Our university offers a bike rental facility that all students and staff can utilize. Five percent of students and staff cycle to the university.

Commuting with walking: At Near East University, the dormitories and staff lodgings are strategically located within walking distance of all academic and administrative units, encouraging walking as a viable commuting option. Indeed, 10% of our students and staff currently prefer to walk to their destinations on campus.

Commuting by other means (cars, etc.): Twenty-five percent of students and staff commute to the university using alternative methods, primarily by car.

Commuting Targets

Increasing Non-Motorized Transportation: In collaboration with Velespeed (, Near East University targets an increase in the percentage of students commuting by bicycle to 10% in the next year, ensuring that 100% of students who choose to commute by bike can do so effectively. This partnership is part of a larger initiative to boost walking, cycling, and other non-motorized transport modes by 20% over the next five years, promoting a healthier, more sustainable approach to student transport to campus.

Increasing of Bus Service Usage: Near East University targets the enhancement of its bus services to establish them as a more favored choice among commuters by increasing the routes and frequency, striving for a 5% increase in bus usage by the next year. This initiative is integral to the university's broader efforts to advance public transportation services and incentivize their use, with the aim to boost total ridership by 25% over the coming five years.

Supporting of Electric and Low-Emission Vehicles: Near East University is devoted to enhancing the adoption of electric vehicles on its campus, with a specific focus on endorsing GÜNSEL Electric Vehicles (, which exemplify the university's dedication to innovation and eco-friendliness. In line with this endeavor, our target is to have 50% of the vehicles coming to our university be electric by the year 2030. We plan to achieve this by enlarging our electric vehicle support facilities, adding charging stations, and providing more reserved parking spaces for electric vehicles. Additionally, university targets to boost the use of electric scooters among both staff and students on campus by organizing awareness and training sessions to encourage this mode of transportation.