Admissions Policy
Near East University
Admissions Policy

Version: 2        Creation date: 2001       Last review date: 18 December 2023

1. Purpose

This policy sets forth the guidelines governing the admission of students into all courses and programs offered by Near East University.

This policy acknowledges Near East University's commitment to ensuring:

  • fair and consistent application of admissions policies, procedures, and requirements;
  • providing students with comprehensive information about their rights and obligations, including associated fees, funding options, acceptance of admission, or withdrawal during the admission and enrolment process.

2. Scope

The scope of this policy encompasses all programs, courses, as well as non-degree study opportunities provided by Near East University.

3. Definitions

Discrimination refers to the unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups based on certain characteristics, such as race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other distinguishing feature. It involves actions, attitudes, or policies that deny rights, opportunities, or resources to a person or group due to their membership in a particular category or social group.

Discrimination can be direct or indirect.

Direct discrimination is when a person treats, or proposes to treat, someone unfavourably than another person or group because of certain distinguishing characteristics.

Indirect discrimination occurs when a workplace or educational institution’s policy, practice, or conduct seems unbiased yet significantly diminish the opportunity for certain groups to benefit from them.

Protected attributes

Listed below are the characteristics based on which discrimination in any form is prohibited at the Near East University

  • Race, colour
  • National or ethnic origin
  • Sex, gender identity, sexual orientation
  • Marital or relationship status
  • Disability or mental health condition
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Political belief or activity
  • Profession, occupation
  • Pregnancy or potential pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Physical features
  • Membership of a union
  • Spent conviction
  • Being personally connected with someone identified by any of the mentioned attributes

Disadvantaged groups refer to segments of society that face social, economic, or institutional barriers that impede their access to opportunities or resources available to the broader population. These groups often experience systemic or structural inequalities based on various factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, age, or other characteristics. Members of disadvantaged groups may encounter reduced access to quality education, employment opportunities, healthcare, or social support compared to more privileged or mainstream segments of society. The concept of disadvantage acknowledges the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities, highlighting the need for targeted support and efforts to address systemic barriers to ensure equal access and opportunities for all individuals regardless of their background or circumstances.

4. Principles of Admission

Near East University is committed to providing equal opportunities in education and ensuring a fair and inclusive admissions process for all prospective students.

4a. Non-Discrimination

Near East University prohibits discrimination against any individual or group in the admissions process based on any of the protected attributes mentioned above.

This policy sets a strong foundation for fair treatment and access to education, emphasizing merit and qualifications as the primary factors in the admissions process.

  • Applications from disadvantaged groups, including women and the disabled are encouraged and supported. Application processes are designed to make it easy for the disadvantaged to apply and to receive the necessary support and guidance.
  • Supporting applications from disadvantaged groups and adapting procedures to accommodate their needs is crucial in preventing indirect discrimination. From this standpoint, The University strategically promotes;
  • Awareness and Mitigation: Recognizing that disadvantaged groups might face additional barriers in accessing education due to systemic or societal factors, the university is consciously creating awareness and actively addressing these challenges.
  • Equitable Access: Designing application processes that are more accessible and supportive for disadvantaged groups aids in reducing the likelihood of indirect discrimination that could result from less inclusive processes.
  • Promoting Inclusivity: By actively encouraging applications from underrepresented groups, the University fosters a more inclusive environment. This proactive stance reduces the likelihood of inadvertently excluding or marginalizing certain groups.
  • Fairness and Equal Opportunities: These efforts reinforce the university's commitment to providing fair and equal opportunities for all applicants, irrespective of their backgrounds or circumstances. This helps prevent indirect discrimination by ensuring that barriers to entry are minimized or removed.

4b. Merit-Based Evaluation

Admissions decisions are made solely on the basis of academic qualifications, achievements, demonstrated abilities, and potential for success at the university.

4c. Transparency and Fairness

Near East University maintains transparent eligibility criteria and application procedures for all programs. These criteria are consistently applied to all applicants without bias or preference. Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria for admission into their proposed program of study, as prescribed by the Admission Procedure may be offered a place in the program. On the other hand, meeting the eligibility criteria for a program does not guarantee admission due to limited available spaces.

4d. Reasonable Accommodations

Near East University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to applicants with disabilities to ensure equal access to the admissions process.

5.Admissions Process

5a. Application Review

All applications are reviewed holistically, considering academic records, standardized test scores (where applicable), personal statements, recommendation letters, and any additional requirements specific to the program.

5b. Evaluation Criteria

Admissions decisions are based on academic performance, intellectual capabilities, extracurricular achievements, leadership qualities, and other relevant factors related to the program of interest.

5c. Notification of Decision

Applicants are notified of their admission status in a timely and respectful manner, ensuring transparency and providing guidance for next steps.

6. Appeals and Grievances

Near East University provides a fair process for appeals or grievances related to the admissions decision. Applicants have the right to appeal decisions if they believe there was an error or unfairness in the process. In such cases, applicants are required to submit their appeal to the Rectorate via email at

7. Final Remarks

Near East University is dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive community by welcoming individuals from all backgrounds and identities. The university upholds these non-discriminatory principles throughout the admissions process, ensuring equal opportunities for all qualified applicants. This policy aims to emphasize fairness, transparency, and inclusivity in the admissions process, highlighting the University's commitment to providing equal opportunities for all prospective students.