Women’s Application and Admission Policy
Women's Application and Admission Policy

Version: 3        Creation date: 1988        Last review date: 08 October 2022

Purpose and Scope

Near East University establishes a policy and access and participation plan aimed at supporting gender equality and increasing women's applications, acceptances, entries, and participation.


Everyone applying to our university should be met with equal opportunities. Applications from women are specifically encouraged and supported. Application processes are designed to make it easy for women to apply and to receive the necessary support and guidance. The evaluation of applications from women is done fairly and transparently.

2. Acceptance and Entry

Acceptances and entries of women students are carried out based on the principle of equality. No female applicant should face discrimination due to gender. Accepted female students are provided with orientation and guidance services to help them smoothly start their university life. The participation of female students in their education is encouraged, and enhanced opportunities are provided.

3. Participation

An effective student support system is established to support the full participation of female students in university life. The participation of female students in social and academic organizations is encouraged. Mentorship programs are developed for female students, and their access to leadership opportunities is increased.

4. Monitoring and Reporting

The university regularly monitors and evaluates gender equality and women's applications, acceptances, entries, and participation. Monitoring results and performance data are regularly reported and shared with the public.

This policy has been created to promote gender equality, increase the achievements of female students, and facilitate women's access to the university at Near East University. It reflects the university's commitment to gender equality and women's rights. The policy and access plan are reviewed regularly and updated as needed.